Status : Verified
Personal Name Barcelona, Alvin B.
Resource Title Epistemic network analysis of online learning engagement models: A quantitative ethnography
Date Issued February 2022
Abstract Traditional ethnography has predominantly been associated with a qualitative methodological orientation. However, ethnographers are challenged to process and analyze cultural systems with voluminous data. This predicament catalyzed the need for an emerging methodology to assess learning and complex thinking in digital environments by using statistical tools to analyze qualitative data. Quantitative Ethnography (QE) blends qualitative and quantitative approaches and uses statistical tools in analyzing qualitative data. This study advanced Epistemic Network Analysis (ENA), a QE tool to analyze the online learning engagements of teachers and students. Observation of synchronous classes and asynchronous activities were carried out, utterances were coded, and network models of engagements were generated. The findings show that the ENA engagement models among teachers and students in synchronous and asynchronous sessions were significantly different, with the teachers giving more frequent and varied feedback during
Degree Course Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Research and Evaluation)
Language English
Keyword educational technology, internet in education, computer-assisted instruction, online learning, network analysis, quantitative ethnography, epistemic network analysis, synchronous classes, asynchronous classes
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
20.63 Mb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access