Status : Verified
Personal Name Cavan, Gianina B.
Resource Title Bulaga Bakla! A Visual Narrative of Coming Out as Bigender to a Conservative Family
Date Issued June 2023
Abstract My thesis aims to express my fears as a bigender artist in relation to coming out of the closet and sharing my identity to my family. The goals of this thesis is to successfully portray myself as bigender through the use of paintings, as well as to help queer individuals feel visible and seen through a visual narrative that they can relate to. The final output is a wooden closet with paintings; one of which would be visual representations of my hesitation in coming out, painted on the doors, while the other painting will be inside the closet, upon being opened by the viewer, showing my identity as bigender. Inside the closet are clothes and accessories that I wear in my everyday life in order to show that clothing is not gendered.
Degree Course Studio Arts
Language English
Keyword Bigender; Queer; coming out; coming out of the closet; closet; visible; visibility; gendered clothing
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
479.48 Kb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access