Status : Verified
Personal Name Latuna, Carlene Gabrielle G.
Resource Title Breaking chains: representations of Filipino women in Kadenang Ginto
Date Issued 24 June 2024
Abstract This study analyzed how the portrayal of women in the hit Philippine afternoon series Kadenang Ginto reflected or challenged existing representations of Filipino women. Analyzing six of its weekly recaps, the study sought to identify the themes in the portrayal of women in the series and how Kadenang Ginto represented the struggles of Filipino women. Moreover, it also compared the representations of women in Kadenang Ginto and the image of women in the Philippine media throughout the years and assessed how Kadenang Ginto as a women's fiction could be a site for resistance in the media. Drawing from Stuart Hall's (1997) Representation theory, the study looked at Kadenang Ginto as a signifying practice where meanings, narratives, and representations were produced. Moreover, the New Criticism approach and Flores’ (2009) textual analysis approach, served as a guide in reading the text. Peter Brooks’ (1995) explanation of how melodramatic elements are also utilized in analyzing the portrayals of women. The results of the study show how Kadenang Ginto produced representations of women that counter the image imposed by the colonizers and the stereotypes that prevailed in the media. Further, they brought awareness to the persisting issues that Filipino women experience.
Degree Course Bachelor of Arts in Broadcast Media Arts and Studies
Language English
Keyword representation, women, soap operas, teleserye, feminist studies
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
2.73 Mb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access