Status : Verified
Personal Name Rey, Myrthylle Karen Y.
Resource Title Decontstructing the Filipino film Text Vis-à-vis the understanding of third culture/cross cultural kids on Filipinoness
Date Issued 21 June 2024
Abstract This research explores the impact of Filipino films on Filipinos who have spent a significant period of their formative years outside of the Philippines. It delves into whether or not Filipino Third Culture Kids (TCKs) and Cross Cultural Kids (CCKs) find Filipino film text significant to their understanding of Filipinoness. The study used the theoretical frameworks of cultural studies, apparatus theory, and structuralism in order to deconstruct three films, compare and contrast the lived experiences of the TCKs, evaluate how Filipino films are being represented through film language, and examine how the TCK representation contributes or not to their Filipino construct. Narrative Ethnography was the method used to engage with the participants, with the approaches of Google surveys, interviews, watch parties, and focus group discussions. In this research, participants recognized Filipino culture and their own TCK experiences through the three films used by the study. Their narratives centered on factors that influenced their own Filipinoness and how these films have shaped their perception of the Philippine culture. In conclusion, Filipino film texts were significant to the TCKs understanding of Filipinoness in relation to validating what they already know to be Filipino culture. The TCK representation in films is significant in contributing to the construct of the Filipino.
Degree Course MA Media Studies (Film)
Language English
Keyword Third Culture Kids; Cross Cultural Kids, Filipinoness; Filipino identity; Filipino culture; migrant kids; Filipino film
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
764.31 Kb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access