Status : Verified
Personal Name Alviz, Claudia Jessica E.
Resource Title Tugtog
Date Issued 21 June 2024
Abstract Tugtog is a narrative film that revolves around Reyna, the lead singer of a school choir. Tension rises in her meticulously orchestrated music group upon the arrival of an unorthodox new pianist, Sam. Eager to lead the choir back to perfection, Reyna tries to get closer to Sam so she can correct her piano playing. The rigid and structured world of Reyna falls apart as she finds herself falling in love with the playful pianist, who goes against the Catholic ideals Reyna has clung to all her life.

The film aims to find the coexistence of queerness and Catholicism. Using Foucault’s Panopticon theory, it criticizes how the church restricts Catholics through institution and hierarchy, resulting in Reyna’s internalized homophobia. At the same time, it acknowledges the importance of Catholic values in Filipino culture and does not want to reject the religion entirely. Through a postmodernist approach, Tugtog introduces a more inclusive interpretation of Catholicism that considers multiple perspectives and truths, including that of the queer community.
Degree Course Film
Language English
Keyword Queer; LGBTQ+; Sapphic; Catholicism; Panopticon; Postmodernism
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
175.07 Kb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access