Status : Verified
Personal Name Jordan, Giselle P.
Resource Title From lightsticks to lashings: an exploration of the shift of the Filipino P-Pop fan to anti-fan
Date Issued 25 June 2024
Abstract This research examines why Filipino Philippine Pop (P-Pop) fans turn into anti-fans. At the time of this study, P-pop was a growing subgenre of Original Pilipino Music (OPM) that was getting recognized locally and globally. However, while P-Pop artists are gaining fans worldwide, some of their fans are also turning into anti-fans. While a fan likes something, an anti-fan is the opposite, actively disliking something to the point of aggression.

This research incorporates data gathered from semi-structured interviews with five Filipino P-Pop fans who are now anti-fans, conducted remotely through online platforms. The results present negative fan experiences as the typical reason for my participants’ dislike and eventually being anti-fans of the artists they used to be fans of. I conclude that adverse experiences in fan practice and participatory culture may lead an audience member to turn from being a fan to becoming an anti-fan. The results support Gray’s (2003) writings on the anti-fan and Jenkins’ (2006) writings on participatory culture.
Degree Course Bachelor of Arts in Broadcast Communication
Language English
Keyword fan; anti-fan; fan-to-anti-fan transition; P-Pop; participatory culture; anti-fan studies
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
775.53 Kb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access