Status : Verified
Personal Name Natividad, Jericho James S.; Rulloda, Sarah Faith D.
Resource Title Investigating community-based disaster risk management (CBDRM) advocacy work as a communicative practice: the case of center for disaster preparedness foundation’s national learning event
Date Issued July 2023
Abstract Community-Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) initiatives have strong roots in Philippine society because of the country’s natural vulnerability to disasters, the Filipinos’ culture of community cooperation known as bayanihan, and a history of Filipino social movement propelled by frustration toward bad governance (Victoria, 2003). It is the endeavor of this research to simultaneously promote and understand CBDRM by establishing a normative theory about it that is grounded in empirical investigation. Informed by the metatheoretical and methodological framework of Grounded Practical Theory (GPT), we have analyzed CBDRM advocacy work through a non-government organization at the forefront of CBDRM advocacy in the country, the Center for Disaster Preparedness Foundation, Inc. (CDP). We have employed Action Implicative Discourse Analysis (AIDA) to evince the problems, techniques, and ideals of CBDRM advocacy work through the Innovation Academy’s National Learning Event (NLE). In the main, we outlined the three levels of the grounded practical theory of CBDRM advocacy work as a communicative practice: (1) the arduous journey toward sustainability and institutionalization (problem level), (2) the discourses of strategy as the impetus for CBDRM advocacy work (technical level), and (3) the necessity for a paradigm shift in disaster risk management (philosophical level).
Degree Course Bachelor of Arts in Communication Research
Language English
Keyword Community-Based Disaster Risk Management; bayanihan; Action Implicative Discourse Analysis; disaster preparedness
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
586.31 Kb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access