Status : Verified
Personal Name Diangson, Maria Cynthia C.
Resource Title Negotiating fan identity, self-presentation, and activism through social media: Narratives of Filipino women fans of K-pop groups
Date Issued 26 January 2024
Abstract This dissertation discusses the phenomenon of the growing popularity of K-pop beyond South Korea and the intensity of fandom passion consistently attached to it. The expansion of fandom participation to include activism and civic imagination creates a larger layer of idol influence and fan power that needs to be examined on a scholarly level. With the total experience being mediated and almost exclusively performed in social media, the question regarding how Filipino women fans of K-pop groups negotiate fan identity, self-presentation, and activism is presented as the centerpiece of this research. Through the use of narrative inquiry, nine members of Philippine fan communities of three of the biggest K-pop groups shared their individual, group, and collective fan experiences and their usage of social fan platforms. Fan identity and self-presentation are the initial points of discussion, leading to the realization of transnational activism.
Degree Course Doctor of Philosophy in Communication
Language English
Keyword transnational activism; fan identity; self-presentation; K-pop fan culture; digital culture; social fan platforms
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
737.86 Kb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access