Status : Verified
Personal Name De Guzman, Rhoanne
Resource Title TikTok journalism: a study on TikTok as a platform for news dissemination for Philippine media organizations
Date Issued 06 June 2022
Abstract As TikTok became popular for its content creation and sharing features, Philippine media organizations also gained interest in utilizing the platform for journalistic purposes. Using the concepts of Innovation-Decision Process and Social Media Logic, this study puts TikTok Journalism in a local context and explores how and why Philippine media organizations utilize the platform for news dissemination. This research studied five local media organizations that first joined said platform. Through interviews, the study concluded that in producing a TikTok content, news organizations carefully find balance between their purpose to inform and disseminate news and the goal to engage with the audience. A content analysis of their videos also showed that content produced on the platform contain both news and non-news items that are either repurposed or produced specifically for TikTok. From the perspective of these organizations, there has been a recognition of the power of the platform to shape the virtual information system, urging themselves to experiment what type of content to produce and production strategy to employ. Furthermore, with TikTok having a potential to be used for disinformation, the researcher established that effective adaptation and practice of TikTok Journalism can be helpful in combatting the ever-growing disinformation campaigns online.
Degree Course B.A. Journalism
Language English
Keyword TikTok; Philippine media organizations; innovation-decision process; social media logic; content creation; journalism
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
25.82 Kb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access