Status : Verified
Personal Name Delos Reyes, Maria Sherlie B.
Resource Title A proposed disaster preparedness plan for the University of the Philippines College of Music Library
Date Issued June 2016
Abstract Every library boasts of a special collection of materials which sets them apart from others. Hence, a sound and viable Disaster Preparedness Plan is a must to ensure that the collection remains safe and protected in the event of a disaster. This study focused on building a simple and direct disaster preparedness plan to ensure the safety of the unique collection of the College of Music Library. Through the employment of descriptive research, the researcher was able to come up with a disaster preparedness plan to get the institution started towards a more secure future of their collection. The researcher made use of a risk assessment checklist and a survey questionnaire to obtain information from all four library staff of the College of Music Library. Some of the findings are: 1) the library has four staff, one head librarian, an assistant librarian and two library aides; 2) the most common disaster that occurs is typhoon and flooding; 3) the library staff has high awareness of the possibility of a disaster occurring and 4) the library in its years if existence has not been hit by any major disaster. Toward the last part of this research, the researcher presents a disaster preparedness plan for
the institution based on the information gathered in the checklist and survey questionnaire.
Degree Course Bachelor of Library and Information Science
Language English
Keyword Emergency management ; Disaster preparedness
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
233.18 Kb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access