Status : Verified
Personal Name Jaime, Romel R.
Resource Title Oral history of Bulacan public libraries project
Date Issued May 2018
Abstract Individual histories of public libraries in the different provinces, cities, and towns in the Philippines need to be recorded so that the important role they have played in the community where they are located will be highlighted, appreciated, and preserved. This project's goal is to satisfy at least a fraction of that need. Specifically, this project aims to: 1. gather, record, and compile the oral history of Bulacan public libraries before they are lost forever 2. create and preserve source materials for future researchers of the history of said public libraries and 3. make these oral histories available to public.

Interview method was employed in the data gathering where a total of 16 interviews were conducted. Ten (10) present and five (5) former public library heads, and one relative of the very first provincial librarian were asked about their recollections and impressions in the libraries they are, or were once connected to. The interviews lasted for 1 whole month, from March 16 to April 20, 2018 and yielded the following outputs: 1. DVDs containing the interviews themselves 2. complete transcriptions for each of the 16 interviews and 3. a blog site presenting the processed form of the interviews written as online articles. While gathering the data for the project, it was found out that there really is a need for a more extensive research and study regarding the writing of the history of the Bulacan public libraries because there are very little available materials concerning them presently.
Degree Course Master of Library and Information Science
Language English
Keyword Oral history; Public libraries; Bulacan
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
575.86 Kb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access