Status : Verified
Personal Name Sermense, Ann Megumi
Resource Title The multi-sectoral impact of typhoon Yolanda to the land records section of the survey & mapping division of the Department of Environment Natural Resources region & its stakeholders
Date Issued May 2018
Abstract The execution of institutional functions is often guided by records as it contains evidence of the workings of the said institution. However, management of records in the Philippines is more challenging given its geographical location. The risk Philippines is facing in terms of natural disaster is higher than most.

This was proven true when Typhoon Yolanda devastated Region 8 in 2013 damaging records of various institutions. However, the impact these damaged records has to society is rarely discussed. In line with this, the study created a narrative that will help give context to the effect of records loss to the society. The study is specific to the effect of the records loss in the Land Records Section of DENR Region 8.

The study conducted an exploratory interview with the representative of the Land Records Section and stakeholders from outside of Tacloban City. An ocular visit, along with the collection of internal documents, were also done.

The findings showed that record loss, even temporary, affects the society. In this case, both the government and the people incurred additional expenses, increased workload, loss of potential profit, delays of business transactions, etc. This also strengthened the justification for a better and improved records management program while contributing to the growing literature on impacts of disasters in the Philippines.
Degree Course Bachelor of Library and Information Science
Language English
Keyword Disaster management; Records management; Records loss
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
171.04 Kb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access