Status : Verified
Personal Name | Asuncion, Emelita B. |
Resource Title | Mapping of records-keeping practices of selected private educational institutions in Metro Manila towards the creation of a classification and filing guide for Saint Poveda College |
Date Issued | May 2015 |
Abstract | This study focused on the prevailing records-keeping practices of selected private educational institutions in Metro Manila to be able to come up with an effective classification and filing guide for Saint Pedro Poveda College (SPPC) based on the concept of International Standard on Archival Description better known as ISAD(G). St. Scholastica's College Manila, St. Paul University and St. Mary's College in Quezon City and Saint Pedro Poveda College are the schools surveyed for this study. The archivists/records managers of the respective colleges that were surveyed, along with the 22 records coordinator of SPPC provided the complete files/records list where the classification and filing guide for SPPC were drawn. The study used the descriptive survey method of research as instrument to gather the data. An ocular inspection and interviews were also conducted to further extract necessary data for analysis. The survey revealed that personnel in-charge of records-keeping are not properly trained resulting to varied system in classification and filing. There are no existing manual on filing and classification. Upon approval, all four colleges permit access and loan of records with students and administrators as the most common borrowers of materials. The most common problem on storage is the lack of space that can accommodate the growing number of collection highlighted by the lack of electronic data-base for fast and easy retrieval. Inventory of records is conducted only to determine the existing files of each office with no existing disposition schedule. All respondents do not have disaster preparedness program that is necessary for business continuity in case of calamities. The only measure employed is preventive in nature which only controls the physical maintenance of the record. The most common storage is folders fastened together by fastener, rubber bands and paper clips and kept in file boxes. The institution's museum serves as source of promotion of the |
Degree Course | Master of Library and Information Science |
Language | English |
Keyword | Records management; Private schools |
Material Type | Thesis/Dissertation |
Preliminary Pages
449.00 Kb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access