Status : Verified
Personal Name Macandog, Andrei Kristoffer G.
Resource Title Philippine Cyber Law Dictionary
Date Issued December 2014
Abstract With the increasing rate and sophistication of internet crimes committed in the Philippines, efforts to minimize cyber incidents and prevent cybercrimes have intensified, spearheaded by the Cybercrime Act of 2012. As users of the internet, the need to educate one’s self on our own cyber laws, as well as laws or provisions that may soon be part of our cybercrime code, seems to be more needed than ever.

This study was aimed to produce a compilation of Philippine cyber law terms and phrases, as well as terms from US laws and standards in anticipation of their inclusion in our own laws. Furthermore, this study aimed to provide the respective definitions of each of the terms and phrases through the help of a legal adviser, resulting in a Philippine cyber law dictionary.
In doing so, the researcher gathered terms and phrases from six local statutes and one article from the Supreme Court’s Rules of Court, as well as terms from five US statutes and one publication from the US National Institute of Standards and Technology. The word list was then forwarded to the legal adviser for feedback, resulting in the omission of selected entries, and the augmentation of several definitions.

A total of 247 terms were included in the final word list, containing 75 entries from local sources and 162 entries from foreign sources. Each entry contained the term, definition and its source. The dictionary entries were arranged alphabetically.

Degree Course Bachelor of Library and Information Science
Language English
Keyword Computer crimes; Cyber crime; Internet; Law and legislation; Dictionaries; Cyber crime law
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
423.37 Kb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access