Status : Verified
Personal Name Cascolan, Gideon E. Jr.
Resource Title Technostress in the year 2013: a survey among library staff in UP Diliman libraries
Date Issued October 2013
Abstract This research contains measurement and analysis of the technostress of the University of the Philippines Diliman Library System library staff. Technostress is generally defined as an inability to cope with developments in technology. A technostress study was conducted in the same institution in the year 2001 for which this study was conducted in contrast to. This study differs in its empirical approach and definition of technostress. It is also conducted in different time there are more user-friendly interfaces of technology, computer-literacy is the norm, and technology is more well-developed. In this study, technostress is defined as a process involving information and communications technology (ICT) stressors that affect individuals and strain which is the response of those individuals to the stressors. These stressors are Work Overload, Work-Home Conflict, Invasion of Privacy, Role Ambiguity and Job Insecurity.

This was a quantitative research that was partly explanatory but mostly descriptive. The data was gathered through survey questionnaires that were answered by 148 library staff. A pre-test conducted on 16 respondents guaranteed the reliability and comprehensibility of the questionnaire.

The results showed that, on average, the respondents do no experience the technostress stressors or strain to a significant extent. There are approximately only a dozen library staff who significantly experience technostress. Technostress appeared to slightly increase concurrently with age, length of service, and ICT usage. Women were found, to a small extent, to a smaller likelihood of experiencing technostress than men. Overall, the library staff have a very healthy attitude towards ICTs and experience very little technostress.

Some of the recommendations for alleviating technostress in an organizational level include time management, fitness program, and adding more library staff. It is recommended that further studies on technostress focus on different institu
Degree Course Bachelor of Library and Information Science
Language English
Keyword Technostress; Library employees; Effect of technological innovations; Jobstress
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
593.61 Kb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access