Status : Verified
Personal Name Imperial, Chris Martin T.
Resource Title Breaking barriers: a study on the implementation, sustainability and user/community perception of a "free library" based on the Reading Club 2000 in Barangay La Paz, Makati City
Date Issued October 2013
Abstract Since its inception in the year 2000, the Reading Club 2000 in Brgy. La Paz, Makati City has gained popularity among local and international media because of its "free library" system. The library has a revolutionary system that allowed its users to access the collection for free. Its books were given away for free in a library that never closes. The system exuded a huge potential to augment the coverage of public libraries in the Philippines. It is in this light that this study has coined the term, investigated library's sustainability and focused on the Reading Club 2000 being a template for all similar libraries that would follow.

Mr. Hernando Guanlao, the man behind the library, was interviewed to uncover the methods he employed in the library that made it exist for a long time. A sample of 37 users and residents of the barangay were also interviewed to determine their perceptions on the different aspects of the library. A SWOT Analysis was also accomplished in support of the data gathered.

The information gathered revealed that: (a) 21 out of 37 (56.76%) respondents were women and 17 out all the respondents were aged 40 and above (45.95%) (b) 27 (72.97%) of the respondents have been in the library and 26 of these do so regularly to frequently (c) most of the respondents have borrowed, claimed and donated a book at least once (d) all of the respondents had a positive perception on the effect of the Reading Club 2000 on their level of education and (e) all of the respondents believe that having a free library in another community would have a positive effect on its residents.

The information gathered revealed that: (a) 21 out of 37 (56.76%) respondents were women and 17 out all the respondents were aged 40 and above (45.95%) (b) 27 (72.97%) of the respondents have been in the library and 26 of these do so regularly to frequently (c) most of the respondents have borrowed, claimed and donated a book at least once (d) all of the respondents had a positive p
Degree Course Bachelor of Library and Information Science
Language English
Keyword Public libraries; Reading Club 2000; Free library; Library Clubs
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
475.48 Kb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access