Status : Verified
Personal Name Mampusti, Donna Sheryl L.
Resource Title Study of the recordkeeping and archiving practices of the National Housing Authority
Date Issued April 2014
Abstract This study sought to find out the current recordkeeping and archiving practices employed in NHA offices specifically offices from the Main Office and NCR Project Offices via the records continuum concept. Existing recordkeeping and archiving practices of the NHA offices are further assessed based on the requirements set by RA 9470 and ISO 15489. Utilizing the descriptive research method, survey questionnaires and interviews with the personnel responsible for the maintenance, distribution and handling of department records as well as observations of the existing recordkeeping and archiving practices of NHA were conducted.

The findings of the study revealed that majority of the records personnel in NHA offices not only lack proper training and skills but also has no educational background/ degrees related to archives and records management. These result to the absence of a uniform and standard policy on how to properly create, capture, classify, store, dispose and preserve active, semi-active, and inactive records. Despite these inadequacies, the NHA was able to develop appropriate and practical recordkeeping which include the standardization of forms and directives for daily office operations, the filing arrangement and the use of color-coded labels and ring-binders to facilitate faster retrieval of records, and the centralized receiving and releasing area provided by the Public Assistance Desk (PAD) Office. On the other hand, the study identified certain weaknesses, which include the following: (1) lack of an official filing manual to be used as the agency's standard reference in sorting, filing, storing, and disposing of records, (2) no records retention and disposition schedule approved by the National Archives of the Philippines (NAP), and (3) absence of collaborative and cooperative efforts between and among key shelter agencies (KSAs) such as the Home Development Mutual Fund or Pag-ibig, Socialized Housing and Finance Corporation (SHFC), Home Guaranty Corpor
Degree Course Master of Library and Information Science
Language English
Keyword Records management; National Housing Authority; Records and correspondence; Archives; Archives administration
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
416.90 Kb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access