Status : Verified
Personal Name Ricafort, Patricia Ellis G.
Resource Title Establishing a church library for the Metro Manila Christian Church Quezon City sector
Date Issued April 2014
Abstract The Metro Manila Christian Church (MMCC) is a non-denominational Christian group based in the National Capital Region of the Philippines. The Quezon City Sector (QC Sector) with a membership of around 350 individuals, not including teens and children who are not officially part of the roster, is one of its largest groups by geographical subdivision. Its continuous growth in membership is a contribution to the developing market of religious, spiritual, and inspirational literature. Recognizing the needs of members for an organized collection of religious, spiritual, and inspirational literature, this study sought to determine the requirements for establishing a church library for the MMCC QC Sector.

A total of 38 teens and preteens and 154 adults answered the survey questionnaire personally administered by the researcher on March 2, 2014.

The data gathered from the official roster of the church and the survey questionnaires revealed that: (a) members were mostly below the age of 45 (b) there were twice as many female members as there were male members (c) most members of the church achieved a higher education, were literate, and were employed (d) English was the more preferred language (e) 1/3 of the congregation belong to the Marrieds Ministry and another 1/3 of the congregation belong to the Singles Ministry (f) most respondents were interested in reading and some respondents were not interested in reading but read every day and (g) members were willing and able to help the establishment of the church library by donating in cash or in kind, etc.

The church library should contain 1000 volumes of books, mostly on the following topics: Bibles in various versions, books on Christian living and prayer, biblical reference books, books on families and parenting, books on love, courtship, and marriage, and books on theological topics or world religions. The church library should also have teaching aids, periodicals, and audiovisual materials. The collection should
Degree Course Bachelor of Library and Information Science
Language English
Keyword Church libraries; Quezon City
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
151.43 Kb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access