Status : Verified
Personal Name Adriano, Nikolai V.
Resource Title A feasibility study on the establishment of a Barangay Reading Center in Concepcion Dos Marikina City : in compliance with RA 7743
Date Issued October 2012
Abstract Republic Act 7743 is an act providing for the establishment of congressional, city and municipal libraries and barangay reading centers throughout the Philippines. However the provisions of the law are not fully implemented up to the barangay level thus very few barangay reading centers exist in the whole Philippines. This is the primary reason why the study concerned on the feasibility to establish a barangay reading center in Concepcion Dos Marikina City.

Four major aspects of feasibility study were utilized specifically the market feasibility, technical feasibility, organizational and management feasibility, and financial feasibility. Two hundred twenty eight (228) respondents from each of the one hundred twenty two (122) streets of Barangay Concepcion Dos participated in the study. A 15-item questionnaire was administered on every participant. The market feasibility revealed that 98.25% of the respondents are willing to support the establishment of reading center in the barangay through variety of ways such as by being a volunteer in the reading center and helping in the promotion of the reading center.

To determine the technical as well as the organizational and management feasibility, the Barangay Concepcion Dos Council headed by Barangay Captain Ronald Ortiz was interviewed by the researcher which revealed their willingness to support the establishment of a reading center in the barangay. They have pointed out the possible location of the reading center and agreed on the organizational and management structure for a barangay reading center suggested by the Philippine Association of Academic and Research Librarians (PAARL).

Financial feasibility was determined by an interview with the barangay captain, SK chairperson and the treasurer of the barangay which affirmed that the Sangguniang Kabataan's annual budget amounting Php 1,200,000.00 will shoulder the start-up cost amounting Php 120,306.33, operating expenses of the barangay reading center as well
Degree Course Bachelor of Library and Information Science
Language English
Keyword Libraries and community; Marikina City; Concepcion Dos Marikina City
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
293.79 Kb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access