Status : Verified
Personal Name | Mendoza , Camille Laureta L. |
Resource Title | Emergent Literacy Skills Initiatives of the Quezon City Public Library with Implications for the Development of a Formal Program |
Date Issued | June 2016 |
Abstract | The research focused on the emergent literacy development initiatives of the Quezon City Public Library (QCPL). It aimed to determine observable practices of QCPL Escopa 3 in delivering services that support the emergent literacy skills of children. Five children ages three to five years old formed the group of respondents for this study. They underwent a pretest on the six emergent literacy skills: print motivation, letter knowledge, vocabulary, print awareness, phonological awareness, and narrative skills. Afterwards, they participated in the emergent literacy program created and conducted by the researcher which utilized materials such as book, toys, and compact discs of QCPL Escopa 3. A post-test was also conducted in the study to determine the effectiveness of the proposed emergent literacy program. Additionally, parents, guardians, and the staff-in-charge of the Children's Library were interviewed in the study. Based on the findings of the study, library materials in Escopa 3 can support the six emergent literacy skills of children. However, the library lacked qualified staff and a licensed librarian to implement programs and deliver services to their patrons. In connection to that, specific programs and activities that foster emergent literacy skills were non-existent. On the other hand, the proposed emergent literacy program was proven to be effective among the sample group in the study. With the mentioned results of the study, it is recommended that QCPL Escopa 3 request for better budget allocation and materials appropriation from the local government. Moreover, they must hire or assign at least one licensed librarian in their branch libraries. Staff must also undergo trainings and seminars that discuss issues and trends in children's librarianship. The implementation of the proposed emergent literacy program in QCPL Escopa 3 is highly recommended. |
Degree Course | Bachelor of Library and Information Science |
Material Type | Thesis/Dissertation |
Preliminary Pages
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access