Status : Verified
Personal Name | Madronio, Marife L. |
Resource Title | Citation analysis of Manila Tytana Colleges undergraduate thesis : collection development implications |
Date Issued | May 2017 |
Abstract | This paper focused on undergraduate theses submitted to MTC Library. It was conducted to explore the depth and diversity of the references used in the theses submitted from 2001-2012 through citation analysis. It also determined whether the references cited reflect the library collection. It was also conducted to find out whether the library collection is able to support the needs of the program. Results provided insights on the current condition of the collection and basis for the MTC library collection development consequently guided the collection development plan. The results shows that only few of the references cited by nursing, nutrition and psychology students are available in the MTC library collection. It means that there are more titles not available in the MTC library collection for all programs are included in the study. It is very alarming that most of the cited materials in the theses are not in the collection of the library. This shows that the MTC library was not able to serve the research needs of the users. The library materials used by students which is not available in the active collection may come from other institution or library. The Manila Tytana Colleges library collection in nursing, nutrition and psychology program generally fell mostly under the Basic Information Level. It is composed of basic information collection that can support general inquiries and some undergraduate instruction, but is not sufficient to support advanced undergraduate courses. There are a very limited number of materials that can support inquiries or a very specific research need about a subject. It also shows that there is an inadequate support to the needs of general library users, postgraduate and independent academic research. Based on the results it is recommended that intensive collection development should be followed not just on the collection for the three programs but for all the programs offered in Manila Tytana Colleges. Continuous acquisition of updat |
Degree Course | Master of Library and Information Science |
Language | English |
Keyword | Citation analysis; Bibliographical citations; Manila Tytana Colleges |
Material Type | Thesis/Dissertation |
Preliminary Pages
305.60 Kb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access