Status : Verified
Personal Name | Castro, Maria Nimfa V. |
Resource Title | Citation Analysis of the University of the Philippines College of Dentistry Library Theses with Implications on Collection Development |
Date Issued | October 2013 |
Abstract | The vast flow of information has been a challenge to librarians nowadays due to technological advancements. The provision of relevant materials to meet the needs of library users is one of the responsibilities of librarians. To be able to know the relevance of a library’s collection is to evaluate it. Citation analysis is the method used to evaluate the collection of the UPCD Library which was done for the first time after its establishment in 1931. This study aims to determine the relevance of the UP College of Dentistry Library collections by examining the citation patterns of graduate and undergraduate theses from 2000 2012. The study revealed that the distribution of theses written were more on the areas of General Oral Medicine (72 theses) and Community Dentistry (63 theses). While there were less than 36 theses written under each subject areas of Orthodontics Prosthodontics, General Operative Dentistry, Restorative Dentistry, Periodontics, Oral Surgery; and only 1 thesis each for Pedodontics and Endodontics. In some subject areas like General Oral Medicine, Orthodontics, Restorative Dentistry and Prosthodontics, it turned out that the numbers of citations are more than what the library has in its collections. While in areas of Periodontics, Surgery, Endodontics, Community Dentistry, General Operative Dentistry and Pedodontics, the number of book collection are more than the number of citations. There were books and journals cited but are not in the collection of the UPCD Library which has to be noted and could be considered for future acquisitions of library materials. Looking for these in databases in the UP System could also be considered. However, there were those that the library keeps in its collection but did not find useful by UPCD students for their theses, at least at that time. These are the materials that may be candidates for de-selection. Most cited authors whose works had found useful were identified including Quisumbing, the only Filipino |
Degree Course | Master of Library and Information Science |
Language | English |
Keyword | Collection Development--Citation Analysis |
Material Type | Thesis/Dissertation |
Preliminary Pages
471.15 Kb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access