Status : Verified
Personal Name Cruz, Milosil E.
Resource Title A Study on the Drop-In Centers For Street Children in Metro Manila "An Assessment of Its Policy, Capability, and Services"
Date Issued May 2004
Abstract This study is the first to be conducted since the existence of Drop-In Centers in the late 80s. Several studies had already been made on the street children but there is none yet that focuses on the services of drop-in centers. It covered only eight (8) Drop-In Centers, out of the total of twenty-one (21) centers in Metro Manila as recognized by DSWD.

This study aims to assess the Drop-In Centers for street children in Metro Manila. Particularly, it assessed the significant aspects of services provided, capability to operate and policy implementation. Since the study believes that the consistency of the policy and adequacy of operational capability would result to the responsiveness of the services provided by the Drop-In Centers, three significant questions are raised along this line, namely: (1) is the policy of the center consistent with the very nature or reason of its existence? (2) are the capability requirements adequate to carry out the services it provides? and (3) are the services provided responsive to the needs of the street children they serve? Given its established interdependence of these three areas, it maintains the substantial and extensive contribution towards ensuring the responsiveness of the services. The revelations of this study as discussed concur with this logical formalization.

This study also tried to identify or determine factors/areas contributory to the effectiveness or ineffectiveness in achieving its set goals and objectives. It is also envisioned that this study would serve as baseline data for improvement of quality standards on policy, programs and services.

Respondents of the study included the Head/Director or designated In-Charge and a technical staff (social worker/street educator) of the Drop-In Centers. Eight (8) street children per center that were served at the time of the study were chosen to compose the group for the Focused Group discussion (FGD).

In general, the findings indicate that the policies implemen
Degree Course Master of Social Work
Language English
Keyword Drop-In Center, street children
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
568.94 Kb
Category : I - Has patentable or registrable invention of creation.
Access Permission : Limited Access