College of Social Work and Community Development

Theses and dissertations submitted to the College of Social Work and Community Development

Items in this Collection

This research explores the concept of flourishing and its implications for social development among ethnic. Yakan, people indigenous to the Philippines who have adapted their lives to the ebb and flow of conflicts and disadvantages. Undergirded by gross domestic product, self-interest as the sole justice and economic motivator, and problem-solving as a primary means of development, traditional development is incongruent with local ideals of a good life.

The study aims to examine whether gender realities and women's vulnerabilities and capacities in coastal and island communities are recognized and incorporated in Tabaco City DRRM policies programs and budgers

The evolving struggle of Filipinos with disabilities and their organizations throughout the years have resulted in numerous gains. While there are indeed reasons to celebrate, there are more reasons that underscore the imperative for persons with disabilities to continue organizing for societal transformation. Recent local and international developments also present more than ever opportunities to view and engage disability as a legitimate development issue. These come with an increasing appreciation of the role of organizations of persons with disabilities as ka-pasan in reshaping development and in pursuing visions of disability justice.

This study is an attempt to reflect on the evolving experiences of organizations of persons with disabilities in Las Piñas City in carrying out political action for transformative change. From this overarching theme, the study seeks to answer these particular questions: What was and is the current context of the organizing of persons with disabilities at the barangay and city levels of Las Piñas City? What innovations in processes and strategies were carried out in the organizing of persons with disabilities at the barangay association and city-wide federation level? What are the gains and challenges that resulted from and emerged in the organizing of persons with disabilities in Las Piñas City? Based on the findings of the study, how do critical factors in the organizing of persons with disabilities contribute to or detract from the agenda of empowerment and transformative change? Based on the findings of the study, how can the organizing of persons with disabilities be reframed to make the process more disability-responsive, inclusive, and contributory to the furtherance of the advocacy to center disability as a critical area for social development in the Philippines?

Underpinned by critical, emancipatory and feminist standpoint research perspectives, the study attempts to answer these questions by immersing with organizations of persons with disabilities in Las Piñas City (Pakikiisa at Pakikipamuhay), by joining them in circles of conversations, dialogue, reflection and learning (Kwentuhan at Samaaralan) and by reviewing and analyzing existing documents with them (Pagbabasa at pagsusuri ng mga kwento at dokumento). The stories shared by the five barangay associations and the city federation are used to identify, interrogate and critically reflect on strategies and innovations, gains and challenges, and critical factors in organizing among persons with disabilities.

Based on these critical reflections, the study presents possible reframing of disability as Ka-pasan and re-envisioning of community organizing in the context of Kapasan. The study also advances several recommendations for strengthening organizations of persons with disabilities, enhancing organizing among persons with disabilities, and furthering disability as a critical area of social development practice in the Philippines. The study ends with an initial exploration of disability justice as an alternative approach and vision in building better communities that include everyone.

In a period characterized by rapid change and modernity, this study looks into how today’s youth— the millennial generation— find their rightful space in the community. It aims to present a profile of millennials in selected urban and rural communities, describe their extent of involvement in community development efforts, identify their strengths as well as the challenges they experienced, compare the aspirations of urban and rural millennial youth for themselves and their community, and redefine their contributions in sustaining the communities.
Millennials are goal-diggers and career-oriented individuals who use technology— combined with their skills and education— to act as watchdogs, modern advocates, the voice of younger generations, and game-changers of the community. Millennials are not passive objects of development. In their little ways, they want to “give back” to the community by engaging in various initiatives offline or online.
However, millennials face challenges as young adults in the contemporary world. They are either pressured to be the saviors of society or regarded as “bata” (child) who lack experiences and needs protection. These social contexts including toxic realities, traditional culture, and discouraging influential agents affect the millennial youth and their extent of involvement in the community.
As technology reshapes the identity of the modern youth, millennials control technology to gather information, raise awareness, challenge traditional norms, access multiple realities, and influence people. They are also introducing new ways to organize, mobilize, negotiate power, advocate, lead, and empower communities.
As the millennial generation comes in between the past and future, they are the bearer of culture and repository of development. They have the personal agency to direct their growth and community development initiatives. However, they are no heroes. Every generation should act as the hope of the motherland. Instead of putting unnecessary pressures on the millennials, they should be given sincere opportunities to grow to become valuable members of the community. After all, community development is only possible when we leave no one behind.
“We can all be the hope of this nation. Let's start with ourselves to be better.” - Participant

This study is the first to be conducted since the existence of Drop-In Centers in the late 80s. Several studies had already been made on the street children but there is none yet that focuses on the services of drop-in centers. It covered only eight (8) Drop-In Centers, out of the total of twenty-one (21) centers in Metro Manila as recognized by DSWD.

This study aims to assess the Drop-In Centers for street children in Metro Manila. Particularly, it assessed the significant aspects of services provided, capability to operate and policy implementation. Since the study believes that the consistency of the policy and adequacy of operational capability would result to the responsiveness of the services provided by the Drop-In Centers, three significant questions are raised along this line, namely: (1) is the policy of the center consistent with the very nature or reason of its existence? (2) are the capability requirements adequate to carry out the services it provides? and (3) are the services provided responsive to the needs of the street children they serve? Given its established interdependence of these three areas, it maintains the substantial and extensive contribution towards ensuring the responsiveness of the services. The revelations of this study as discussed concur with this logical formalization.

This study also tried to identify or determine factors/areas contributory to the effectiveness or ineffectiveness in achieving its set goals and objectives. It is also envisioned that this study would serve as baseline data for improvement of quality standards on policy, programs and services.

Respondents of the study included the Head/Director or designated In-Charge and a technical staff (social worker/street educator) of the Drop-In Centers. Eight (8) street children per center that were served at the time of the study were chosen to compose the group for the Focused Group discussion (FGD).

In general, the findings indicate that the policies implemented are consistent with the very nature of its existence. Most are within the present basic standards provided for by DSWD. However, there are certain policy issues that need to be resolved. The capability requirements meantime are found to be adequate by majority as it provides the configuration for the service delivery. Responsiveness of the services provided is its main consideration. The basic services provided are found to be responsive in its entirety, which includes the activities of the center towards returning them to their own families and/or referring them to other centers. This was highlighted in the conduct of the focused group discussion with the street children themselves. By and large, there are much overwhelming considerations towards the conclusion of the services being responsive.

Consequently, several substantial recommendations are being forwarded in this study to further improve the operation of the Drop-In Center for street children in Metro Manila.