Status : Verified
Personal Name Laurora, Marvic R.
Resource Title An exploratory study on the information needs and information seeking behavior of selected construction workers in Quezon City
Date Issued 13 February 2022
Abstract Information is an invaluable and essential commodity in every people’s lives. People need information to develop their fullest potentials and skills by means of educating and equipping themselves with the proper knowledge and new learnings they acquire to become more successful in their job roles; to enrich their skills, and improve their quality of life. Construction workers offer their services by means of manual physical labor. Oftentimes, they are marginalized and underserved due to their illiteracy and as they term it, “no read, no write” making them vulnerable to be trapped in poverty. However, despite being under these circumstances, construction workers seek for valuable information pertaining to their job roles as they seek for career growth and self-improvement. They aim to prosper and excel in their line of work and improve their status in life, hence the need for them to find better employment opportunities offering higher salaries and wages or companies offering permanent employment and better benefits to workers like them, in spite of their age, education background or marital status.

Studying this underserved sector brought light on the topics that posed interests to this group. These were the topics about or relevant to working in the construction industry, finding a better opportunity, or becoming more educated through informal channels of information. Having said that, this study sought to determine the information needs and the information-seeking behavior of selected construction workers in Quezon City particularly, the motivating factors that paved the way to their information search along with the hurdles faced by the construction workers in seeking information. The study utilized mixed research methods through survey methodology and focus group discussions for collecting data. The findings revealed the construction workers were interested in topics that can help them improve their quality of life. Employment topics, personal developme
Degree Course Bachelor Of Library and Information Science
Language English
Keyword Information Need; Information-seeking behavior; Construction Workers; Quezon City
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
333.97 Kb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access