Status : Verified
Personal Name | Austria, Marielle Adrianne C. |
Resource Title | Optimization of Process Parameters For Fish Oil Extraction Using Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Heads |
Date Issued | 18 June 2018 |
Abstract | Fish oil extraction using the wet reduction method was optimized using response surface methodology. The acid and peroxide value of fish oil from Atlantic salmon heads were determined. A quadratic model was generated for peroxide value with a high R2 (0.9337) and an insignificant lack of fit (0.6187), rendering the model significant. On the other hand, acid value had a low R2 (0.4492) and lack of fit was significant (0.0331). It was observed that at constant temperature and increasing time, peroxide value increased and then decreased. While at constant time and increasing temperature, peroxide value decreased and then increased. The optimum time and temperature process parameters were 10 minutes at 88.66ᵒC. The method was validated and the optimum extracted oil was characterized and compared against commercial fish oil. The thiobarbituric acid, yield, color, and fatty acid profile of the oil was also determined. The extracted fish oil had a lower peroxide value, 6.2734 (3.99), compared to commercial oil. Yield was found to be low (2.4054%). The colorimetry results for the extracted oil were 53.65 (0.37), 18.38 (0.14), 51.47 (1.26), for L*, a*, and b*, respectively. The lower peroxide value of the extracted oil implies that the extracted oil underwent less levels of oxidation, this is supported by the low TBA value of extracted oil, 0.487 (0.08), compared to commercial fish oil, 0.629 (0.01). The extracted oil and commercial oil were found to be similar in color. This could mean extracted oil can be used for the same color applications as commercial oil. High stearic acid content was reported in fatty acid profiling. This could mean that the extracted oil may be a good source of stearic acid. |
Degree Course | BS Food Technology |
Language | English |
Keyword | Salmon; Fish Oil; Wet Reduction; Optimization; Peroxide Value; Acid Value; Fish oil extraction |
Material Type | Thesis/Dissertation |
Preliminary Pages
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Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access