Status : Verified
Personal Name Pintor, Ben Hur S.
Resource Title Towards a spatial analysis of shooting in Philippine basketball : applications in the University Athletics Association of the Philippines Men’s Basketball Tournament (Season 81)
Date Issued 10 January 2022
Abstract Basketball is spatial. This study demonstrates how spatial analysis and visualization of field goals can be applied to Philippine basketball leagues such as the University Athletics Association of the Philippines (UAAP) Men’s Basketball Tournament by generating a spatial dataset of field goals, defining methods and metrics to describe and assess field goal shooting, and using the aforementioned methods and metrics to study the players and teams in UAAP Season 81 (2018-2019) to obtain insights that are not readily apparent from conventional statistics such as those commonly used in the Philippines.

It builds on three main premises. First, that the set of field goals can be decomposed into parts that describe shooting areas on the court. Second, that there exists a spatial surface overlying the offensive half-court that represents the background local values of the number of points scored per attempt at that court location; and, although these local values cannot be directly observed, they can be estimated from a large sample of field goals. Third, that shooting and scoring performance can be assessed using metrics that compare the estimated and actual points per attempt scored by a player or team at different court locations.

Results of applying Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) on the set of field goals in UAAP Season 81 showed that it could sufficiently be described by five shooting areas and that these shooting areas can be used to group players with similar shooting habits. An Empirical Bayes method with a prior distribution that included equidistant and nearby locations was utilized to improve the estimation of the points per attempt (PPA) at different court locations. Using this Empirical Bayes estimate of PPA, several spatially-aware shooting metrics that explicitly accounted for the spatial distribution of field goals on the basketball court were introduced. Examples include Spatial Scoring Effectiveness (SScE) and Points Relative to League Aver
Degree Course MS Geomatics Engineering
Language English
Keyword spatial analytics; spatial visualization; shooting; basketball; University Athletics Association of the Philippines; UAAP
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
318.34 Kb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access