Status : Verified
Personal Name Walde, Anthony Xenon L.
Resource Title Earthquake vulnerability assessment of households along the West Valley Fault zone and its implications in building resilient community : the case of Makati eastside cluster
Date Issued 13 June 2016
Abstract Natural disaster events are frequently occurring and causing heavy damages not only to lives and properties. One study conducted in 2004 is still the basis for the major earthquake preparation for Metro manila; this is the Metro Manila Earthquake Impact Reduction Study (MMEIRS). The Study focused on Model 08, as the worst-case scenario, this is when a 7.2 Magnitude earthquake occurred along the west valley fault. The Study projected based on the given scenario that 170,000 residential houses will collapse, 340,000 residential houses will be partly damaged, 34,00 persons will die, 114,000 persons will be injured. Fire will break out and burnt approximately 1,710 hectares and totally 18,000 additional persons will be killed by this secondary disaster. Moreover, infrastructures and lifelines will also be heavily damaged.A segment of West Valley Fault (WVF) traverses the eastern part of Makati City, which affects six barangays namely: West Rembo, East Rembo, Comembo, Pembo, Rizal and Post Proper Southside. Based on the Contingency Plan of Makati for Earthquake, when the worst scenario occurred during daytime, there would be an estimated 4.2 million people in the City, at 2,300 deaths (0.5 percent of the total population) and 84,822 injured (1.6 percent). There will be displacement of 1,260,000 persons (30 percent of daytime population), there will be 9,092 structures that are heavily damaged, 16,694 partially damaged, and 4,983 burned down. Since the study investigated the earthquake vulnerability, there are 323 lots and 311 structures located in an area of 58,381.96sq. meters using the 10-meter buffer zone. Only 155 households were investigated after preliminary assessing the data gathered. This study attempted to assess the level of vulnerability of the households living within the buffer zone of the West Valley Fault of the Eastside Cluster in Makati. Only East Rembo, Comembo, Pembo, Rizal are considered in the Study since they formed part of the Eastside Cluster. Th
Degree Course Master of Arts (Urban and Regional Planning)
Language English
Keyword Earthquake hazard analysis; Earthquake intensity; Earthquakes; Emergency management; Fault zone
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
1.15 Mb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access