Status : Verified
Personal Name Vergara, Norma Jean A.
Resource Title Stakeholder roles approach for sustainability assessment in the context of heritage tourism development : the case of Angeles City, Pampanga.
Date Issued 13 June 2017
Abstract "This study aimed to make an assessment on the perceived sustainability of Angeles City's heritage tourism development using stakeholder analysis. It identified the stakeholder roles and prevailing relationships among stakeholder groups and used this analysis in assessing the current state of economic, environmental and socio-cultural sustainability of the local heritage tourism industry. It employed a qualitative research methodology, in which the primary data gathered comprised of in-depth interviews with key informants belonging to the public sector, private sector, non-government organizations (NGOs) and local community sector, as well as non-participant observation in the study site. Content analysis was the main analytical used in processing and interpreting data. The study found that stakeholders view the public sector as the group that drives the overall direction of heritage tourism development of Angeles City. The private sector contribution, it was found, was limited to their expected cooperative role relating to government-imposed policies and regulations on the design and structure of business establishments inside the heritage zone. The NGO sector was found to play the important role of being in the forefront of advancing heritage preservation efforts, while the local community sector role was centered on being the supporters and sustainers of heritage tourism development. On existing stakeholders dynamic, the study found the public sector to be the dominant player among stakeholder relationships as they hold the mandate for heritage tourism development and control much of the resources that advance this advocacy. Generally speaking, the presence of cooperation networks comprising various stakeholders is sound in that the players are able to work on their organizational and outlook similarities so they are able to generally maintain amicable social relations, interactions and flows of communication. In the sustainability assessment based on the stakeho
Degree Course M.A (Urban and Regional Planning)
Language English
Keyword Heritage tourism; Tourism; Sustainabilty
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
1.48 Mb
Category : P - Author wishes to publish the work personally.
Access Permission : Limited Access