Status : Verified
Personal Name Briones, Leonard Bryle G.
Resource Title Zaguan: an intermodal transport terminal in Cubao, Quezon City
Date Issued May 2017
Abstract The objective of this thesis is to review the current state of the transportation sector in the Philippines and to propose a possible solution to the dilemma it faces. The Cubao area (Barangay San Martin de Porres, District IV) of Quezon City is the chosen site by this document because the vicinity already houses important structures for a successful TOD (Transit Oriented Development) such as but not limited to the following : existing railway systems (LRT-2 and MRT-3) along 2 major highways ; socio-cultural, recreational, institutional structures in the vicinity ; naturally high pedestrian influx ; a developing business district ; and the pre-existing image of transportation hub of Metro Manila for commuters. By analyzing the present conditions of the site and data gathered from government and private institutions, an Intermodal Transport Terminal is conceptualized for this document. This document will provide a design for the Phase 1 of the Intermodal Terminal with the support of additional 'growth' models
Degree Course Bachelor of Science in Architecture
Language English
Keyword Terminals (Transportation); Railroad stations.
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
1.48 Mb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access