Status : Verified
Personal Name Lanuza, Gerardo M.
Resource Title Governmentality, subject-making, and agency: being Muslim in a public high school
Date Issued June 2010
Abstract The “Moro problem”, which was created by the colonizers, is fundamentally grounded in the educational programs implemented by the colonial government up to the present. Its main goal is to assimilate the so-called non-Christian tribes into the project of Filipino nationhood. From the beginning the Muslims had resisted this hegemonic project of the state. The Muslims preferred their own educational institutions against the so-called Christianizing education. However, with the massive migration of Muslim families to urban centers Muslim students are now visible in many public schools. Today Muslims have no other choice but to send their children to public schools.
To analyze this phenomenon, this study veers away from traditional social reproductionist model of schooling towards Foucauldian notion of governmentality. It foregrounds Muslim identity within the narrative identity theory elaborated by Paul Ricouer and the performative theory of Judith Butler. In turn, this narrative identity is problematized w
Degree Course Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Anthropology/Sociology of Education)
Language English; English
Keyword governmentality, high school seniors, islamic education, ethnicity, public high school, urban school, non-christian tribes, christianizing education, muslim students, multiculturalism, Filipino muslims
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
31.65 Mb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access