Status : Verified
Personal Name | Santiago, John Eriel F. |
Resource Title | Experiences of Filipino Emerging Adults in Intrafaith and Interfaith Romantic Relationships |
Date Issued | 28 June 2024 |
Abstract | This study explores the experiences, challenges, and strategies of Filipino emerging adults in intrafaith and interfaith romantic relationships within the University of the Philippines, Diliman. The researcher uses a qualitative approach, gathering data through interviews with sixteen (16) Filipino emerging adults, selected via purposive sampling method, along with the use of the snowball sampling method. The interview data was analyzed using a thematic analysis to systematically code and categorize it into themes. The findings revealed that Filipino emerging adults are going through a phase in their lives wherein their religious identity is continuously overwritten and influenced by the different ideologies around them. This study, however, chose to focus on the romantic aspect, employing data from their experiences in intrafaith (same-faith) and interfaith (different-faith) romantic relationships. Their experiences frame an overview of how religion affects how they manage their respective relationships, as well as how their belief systems influence their attitudes towards their partner’s own religious beliefs and practices. They hold religion in high regard, with respect to the beliefs they grew up with, while also refining these existing beliefs to match their preferences and form their own belief systems – either accepting or rejecting preconceived notions that they cultivated growing up. These findings do not only give a background as to how religion plays a role in the romantic aspect of Filipino emerging adults’ lives, but also give insight as to how they function as an individual in the context of their own religious inclinations. |
Degree Course | Bachelor of Science in Family Life and Child Development |
Language | English; Filipino |
Keyword | Emerging adults; Intrafaith relationship; Religion; Interfaith relationship; Faith |
Material Type | Thesis/Dissertation |
Preliminary Pages
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Category : P - Author wishes to publish the work personally.
Access Permission : Limited Access