Status : Verified
Personal Name Ruahden F. Dang-awan
Resource Title Using Agent-centric Approach in Distributed Ledger Technology for Storage in Remote Patient Monitoring
Date Issued 26 January 2024
Abstract Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) is a method of healthcare that allows monitoring and patient care to be done in locations outside of the clinical setting. RPM has many benefits: intrinsic convenience of service, reduction of medical costs, and improved quality of care. However, along with the use of RPM, there is an increase in concern about the secure transmission of data and its storage. There have been advancements in the secure transmission of data but the storage still needs to be improved since many current medical systems still use a centralized architecture for storage. A solution for this problem might be found in Distributed Ledger Technology, specifically blockchain. However, implementing blockchain in the context of IoMT or RPM is difficult and comes with complications. Recently, there has been a new approach for the DLT framework called the agent-centric approach, a more generalized version of the data-centric approach blockchain uses. In this study, we will use the agent-centric approach to create an RPM system to see if it's a better storage solution than its blockchain counterparts.
Degree Course MS Computer Science
Language English
Keyword Remote Patient Monitoring, Distributed Ledger Technology, Agent-centric Approach, Distributed Storage Security
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
959.48 Kb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access