Status : Verified
Personal Name Sombilon, Sheryl Jaud
Resource Title Factors affecting student concept formation towards planned action in environment education
Date Issued October 2012
Abstract This study aimed to investigate how students form environmental education concepts leading to planned action. Moreover, it sought to find out the factors affecting student concept formation leading to action planning and the hierarchy of factors as perceived by the participants.
Six (6) fourth-year high school students of an all-girls sectarian school in Manila, enrolled in the Environmental Education IV elective program during the School Year 2010-2011, were selected as research participants. The researcher was in close association with these research participants within the duration of the study in order to obtain first-hand data. The data were gathered primarily through the use of probing questions within the interviews or focus group discussions with the research participants during and after each classroom encounter. The proceedings of all classroom interactions were documented in audio-video recordings to facilitate verbatim transcription of information for analysis purposes.
The research participants were exposed to varied teaching techniques in the presentation of the different Environmental Education topics but the prime strategy in the extraction of the content of concept formation was through concept mapping. The concept maps were prepared by the participants in class under the guidance of the task sheets made by the researcher.
The procedure utilized in the study was descriptive. The different EE IV lessons utilized in the study were primarily focused on various aspects of Global Warming.
From the findings and within the limitations of the study, the common factors affecting concept formation that led to planned actions among the research participants were previous experiences and information obtained from exposure to various teaching methods, attendance and participation to lectures, symposiums, and fora, educational media like television, radio and online resources, print materials like books and periodicals, campaign materials like posters and bul
Degree Course Master of Arts in Education (Environmental Education)
Language English
Keyword environmental education, environmental protection, activity programs, high school seniors
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
5.54 Mb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access