Status : Verified
Personal Name Dupaya, John Edward L.
Resource Title CNT-grown Co-doped Ni-Prussian Blue Analogue Architecture as High-performance Electrode for Capacitive Deionization
Date Issued 28 May 2024
Abstract Intercalation materials, such as metal hexacyanoferrates, have gained interest for capacitive deionization due to its open framework structure and energy storage ability. However, these material suffers from performance deterioration due to structural defects. Herein, an intercalation electrode material based on Co-doped NiHCF grown in CNT (NiCoPBA-2/CNT) was synthesized using citrate-mediated co-precipitation process. The electrochemical characterization results revealed that NiCoPBA-2/CNT exhibited an excellent specific capacitance of 260.82 F g–1 at a scan rate of 5 mV s–1. Desalination experiments were carried out in batch mode for comparison with other synthesized electrodes and single-pass mode for the analysis under different process parameters. In desalinating 500 mg L–1 of NaCl solution at an applied voltage of 1.2 V under batch-mode CDI experiments, NiCoPBA-2/CNT exhibited a large salt adsorption capacity (SAC) of 42.83 mg g–1, a high charge efficiency of 80.87%, and an energy consumption of 0.0398 kWh mol–1. This improvement in SAC of NiCoPBA-2/CNT can be attributed to doping with Co, which enhanced its electrochemical property and reduces the presence of vacancies in the structure of the material, and CNT as nucleation sites for the growth of the nanocomposites, which formed conductive bridges that enables a low charge transfer resistance and facilitate ion transport. The CNT also prevented the material from agglomeration. The XPS analysis revealed the Na+ intercalation/deintercalation of NiCoPBA-2/CNT, which is accompanied by the redox of Fe3+/Fe2+ and Co3+/Co2+ during the cyclic charge-discharge process. Overall, this work demonstrated the great potential of NiCoPBA-2/CNT as high-performance intercalation electrode and provided a synthesis route for preparing high-performance electrode for efficient desalination via CDI.
Degree Course Master of Science in Environmental Engineering
Language English
Keyword Battery desalination; pseudocapacitive deionization; doping Co; Prussian blue analogue; carbon nanotube
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
756.13 Kb
Category : I - Has patentable or registrable invention of creation.
Access Permission : Limited Access