Status : Verified
Personal Name Del Rosario, Bianca Francesca A.
Resource Title Development of a Standardized Greenhouse Gas Quantification Template for the Philippine Aviation Industry
Date Issued July 2024
Abstract There is an imperative need to develop effective emission quantification and management strategies given that the international aviation and the Philippine air transport account for 2.1% in the global carbon emissions and 0.712 million metric tonnes carbon dioxide equivalent, respectively. Thus, with the aim of developing a standardized greenhouse gas quantification template that will initiate and provide a data collection and monitoring system for the Philippine aviation industry, an assessment was done on the industry’s readiness on GHG emissions reporting using six criteria namely regulatory framework, data collection and monitoring systems, transparency and accountability, adherence to standards, capacity building and training, and GHG emissions reduction and management strategies. In the formulation of the standardized template, standards set by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, World Resources Institute and WBCSD, Global Sustainability Standards Board, Sustainability Accounting Standards Board, European Environment Agency and Climate Change Commission were used as guidelines and framework. Collected activity data from the local aviation industry companies was, then, applied to the formulated template to create an emission profile for the industry. The readiness assessment suggests that the Philippine aviation industry is not fully ready to report its emissions due to the lack of regulatory policies on GHG emissions reporting, GHG reporting protocols for selective industries, restricted data and monitoring systems, data gaps on Scope 3 emissions, and lack of training for emissions reporting. During the application of the formulated standardized template, it is recommended to focus on GHG intensity rather than relying solely on the absolute Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions particularly during unusual circumstances such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Evidently, the development of a standardized GHG quantification template will enable the industry to quantify
Degree Course MS Environmental Engineering
Language English
Keyword GHG emissions; emissions quantification; standard template; Philippine aviation industry
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
719.81 Kb
Category : I - Has patentable or registrable invention of creation.
Access Permission : Limited Access