Status : Verified
Personal Name Madimbwala, Saumu.
Resource Title Assessment on the preparedness mechanisms of communities in flood prone areas: a case of Marikina City, Metro Manila, The Philippines.
Date Issued 01 July 2013
Abstract Flooding is the perennial problem in the city of Marikina that is expected to occur 3 to 4 times in a year. It has been reported that communities along the river and along the creeks are more affected by flood disaster in terms of social, economic, and environment. However, after each flood incidences, the communities go back to their areas and continue with their normal life. This made the curiosity of the researcher to find out the preparedness mechanisms by the community and the local government in reducing the effects of floods in the city.

The stuff was conducted in the barangay of Nangka, Tumana, and Malanday which were identified as the most flood prone areas in the city of Marikina. A total of 96 respondents from the three vulnerable barangay were conveniently selected and interviewed. Questionnaire survey to the household heads and key informants interviews were the main tools used in data collections, the tools were supplemented by secondary sources such as local government reports from the city and barangays which were related to flood preparedness mechanisms. The analysis of household questionnaires was done by using descriptive statistics (tables and graphs) through SPSS computer program while key informant interviews were done qualitatively. Other methods used in data analysis include desk study and brainstorming especially in the recommendation part.

The study revealed that majority of the respondents was aware on what to do and where to evacuate during flooding disaster. Further, it was found that they were very much aware on the effects associated to floods and factors contributing to floods in their areas. Education and outbreak of water related diseases were found as the most case-effects and improper waste disposal as the main factor contributing to floods. Although the majority of the respondents were aware on the effects of flooding, the study revealed that preparedness were insufficient as majority were only able to prepare some basic
Degree Course Master of Science in Regional and Development Planning
Language English
Keyword Emergency management; Environmental conditions; Floods; Local government
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
1.70 Mb
Category : C - Confidential information of a third-party is embedded.
Access Permission : Limited Access