Status : Verified
Personal Name Borlongan, Zenaida S.
Resource Title Sikhay-pINAY Filipino Mothers of Children with Cerebral Palsy: Stories of Coping and Beyond
Date Issued 20 June 2023
Abstract How do Filipino mothers cope with the reality of having to raise children with disability such as cerebral palsy? This exploratory study aims to: 1) identify the challenges that indigent mothers of children with cerebral palsy (CWCP) face and its effects on their well- being; 2) examine the mothers’ responses and the factors that influence their positive coping; and 3) draw insights and advice from the mothers’ life journeys. To this end, the researcher conducted Life Story Interviews (LSIs) with six (6) mothers selected from 30 Focused Group Discussion (FGD) participants; and Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) with five (5) representative stakeholders in the disability sector. The findings show that these mothers face challenges ranging from physical caring for CWCP, financial concerns, marital/family relationships, and the general environment affecting CWCP. Specifically, results show that while mothers of CWCP suffer biologically and psychologically from adverse stresses; and socially from reduced social mobility; they nevertheless become spiritually strong, their faith deeper from their experience. In addition, results reveal at least six (6) ways of coping by mothers: 1) meaning-making; 2) positive thinking/attitude; 3) prayers and faith in God; 4) self-care; 5) providing help to improve the CWCP’s quality of life; and 6) championing advocacies for the disability sector. On the other hand, facilitating factors for their coping processes include the following: the mothers’ grasp of the disability, high sense of agency or control over their lives, good family relationships, availability of social support, demographic characteristics/strong attributes of both the mothers and their CWCP, and the community’s positive perception of disability. Unfortunately, given the lack of government support and social services, these mothers have had to rely mainly on themselves. And while they cannot simply be lumped into a homogenous category (i.e., while all of them are
Degree Course Master of Social Work
Language English
Keyword Cerebral palsy, homogenous category, self care, CWCDP
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
309.33 Kb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access