Status : Verified
Personal Name Manrique, Angelica Euara J.
Resource Title Environmental and Economic Life Cycle Analysis of the Upgrading of Wastewater Treatment Facility using Integrated Fixed-Film Activated Sludge Process in Metro Manila to comply with DAO 2021-19 Effluent Standards
Date Issued 20 June 2024
Abstract Several policies have been implemented to help improve the water quality of various water bodies in the country. Stricter requirements imposed in the General Effluent Standards (GES) will require an upgrade to the existing treatment processes consuming additional resources and impacting the environment. This study aims to investigate the impacts of the new GES and to determine if the new policy will have better environmental and economic benefits in a selected wastewater treatment facility in Metro Manila. The existing wastewater treatment facility under study upgraded its existing treatment from conventional activated sludge to integrated fixed film activated sludge process. Environmental impacts were evaluated using life cycle assessment (LCA) and CML-IA method while economic impacts were assessed by calculating financial and economic parameter with a project life cycle assumed at 25 years.
Results showed despite the improved effluent quality, only the eutrophication potential category improved in the LCA after upgrading, the rest of the impact categories considered increased. The other significant categories were Marine Aquatic Ecotoxicity (MAEP), Fresh Aquatic Ecotoxicity (FAEP), Global Warming Potential (GWP) and Human Toxicity. When normalized, MAEP was most significant at 78% and 89% before and after upgrade. Results showed that upgrading the facility the project is still economically viable at a BCR of 1.19. When sensitivity analysis was done, it was found that if costs increase by 10% and benefits decrease by 10% upgrading is no longer economically favorable. The scenario before upgrading also showed better overall economic performance.
Therefore, despite the goal of the regulation to improve the quality of the water bodies using stricter standards, the overall environmental burden is higher mainly due to the increased energy demand. With the resulting trade-offs from this regulation, decision-makers can be guided on how to approach water quality-related
Degree Course Master of Science in Environmental Engineering
Language English
Keyword Wastewater; Life cycle assessment
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
3.43 Mb
Category : C - Confidential information of a third-party is embedded.
Access Permission : Limited Access