Status : Verified
Personal Name | Hinaloc, Kevin Jay R. |
Resource Title | Analysis and operationalization of tourism cluster planning a case study on the Agusan River Basin. |
Date Issued | 08 December 2020 |
Abstract | A tourism cluster, as a framework for tourism development, has long been a subject of research studies. However, while many models have been created to outline systematic approaches for the development of tourism clusters, there remained an apparent gap in knowledge to guide destination managers in its practical application, especially in the spatial planning and policy-making aspects. This study introduced a tourism cluster development planning process based on a framework that merged theories of tourism cluster competitiveness with concepts of spatial planning. The framework highlights the fundamental importance of analyzing the interactions of four key components of a cluster - comparative advantages, competitive advantages, geohazards, and external situations - in crafting spatial strategies and relevant policies to operationalize tourism cluster development. Drawing inspiration from cluster-related concepts found in the literature and cluster development strategies incorporated in the Philippines' National Tourism Development Plans, this framework also presented a spatial configuration that suggests the distinctiveness of cluster development as a tourism development strategy. Through a mix research method, this framework was applied on the Agusan River Basin cluster--one of the identified clusters in the Philippine National Tourism Development Plan-- to formulate a special plan and policy and development recommendations that may form part of a tourism cluster development plan. This study revealed a suitability of developing the Agusan River Basin cluster into an adventure-histo-cultural destination. Based on the identified cluster elements, such as gateways, service centers, corridors and flagship sites, following the three planning levels cluster-- cluster destination, tourism circuit and tourist site, it likewise proposed the successive implementation of the linear cluster strategy in the short-term and semi-close loop cluster strategy in the long-term. Moreo |
Degree Course | Master of Arts (Urban and Regional Planning) |
Language | English |
Keyword | Tourism; River tourism; Sustainable tourism ; Economic development |
Material Type | Thesis/Dissertation |
Preliminary Pages
2.45 Mb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access