Status : Verified
Personal Name Calinawan, Keana Janella M.
Resource Title Post-COVID19 new normal design preferences of Gen Zs for their bedroom interiors
Date Issued 15 June 2024
Abstract COVID-19 has caused a shift towards remote lifestyles, which, in turn, also reshaped how people view and utilize their living spaces. Despite the broad impact of the pandemic on interior design trends, there remains a lack of detailed knowledge on new normal design preferences in bedrooms. This study particularly focused on investigating these preferences among Gen Zs after having spent their college foundation years inside their bedrooms during the 2-to-3-year lockdown. An exploratory research design using both quantitative and qualitative data gathering methods was employed to address the aforementioned gap in research. A structured survey was distributed to 21 Gen Z and UP BS Interior Design students, who were all selected through purposive sampling. The findings from the quantitative analysis revealed that functional and emotional values significantly drive the design choices of Gen Zs, with a notable preference for multifunctional spaces that cater to their diverse activities such as studying and relaxing. With many respondents incorporating workspaces into their bedrooms, furniture preferences were focused on functional pieces such as office chairs and beds with built-in storage. Respondents showed a strong inclination towards modern and minimalist design styles, with a dominant use of neutral color schemes and natural materials like wood. The use of personalized decor items further underscored the importance of bedrooms as sanctuaries that reflect identities and bring comfort during the new normal. Overall, the results highlighted the transformative impact of the pandemic on Gen Zs design choices and offers practical guidance for designing spaces that resonate with the values and lifestyles of Gen Zs. Given the limitations of the study, it is recommended to involve at least 100 respondents and to conduct interviews to gather more in-depth data.
Degree Course Bachelor of Science in Interior Design
Language English
Keyword Interior decoration—Design; COVID-19 (Disease)—Philippines; Generation Z—Philippines
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
423.30 Kb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access