Status : Verified
Personal Name | Nuñez, Mirasol Fabillar |
Resource Title | The future of exploring AI-guided mindfulness: adopting an interactive mental health app for kids at Sister Maria Carmela Brescia School through scenario building |
Date Issued | 09 September 2024 |
Abstract | This capstone project explored the potential adoption of an AI-guided mindfulness app for students at Sister Maria Carmela Brescia School (SMCBS) through technology foresight and scenario building. The study aimed to address the growing mental health challenges among Filipino youth by leveraging artificial intelligence to provide personalized mindfulness experiences and support emotional well-being. The research employed a comprehensive methodology, including a literature review, stakeholder interviews, and scenario analysis. Key findings from the environmental scanning revealed significant mental health issues among Filipino youth, with rising suicide rates and limited access to mental health professionals. The STEEP analysis highlighted the potential of AI technologies in providing scalable and cost-effective mental health interventions, while also considering challenges such as data privacy, technology infrastructure, and cultural adaptation. The study also identified potential vulnerabilities, including data privacy concerns, the need for teacher training, and the importance of maintaining human interaction in mental health support. This study demonstrated the potential of AI-guided mindfulness apps to address mental health challenges in Philippine schools. By carefully considering the opportunities and challenges identified through scenario building, SMCBS could develop a strategic approach to implementing this innovative technology. The successful adoption in the Philippines improved students' mental health support nationwide. |
Degree Course | Master of Technology Management |
Language | English |
Keyword | AI; Mindfulness; Scenario building; Technology foresight |
Material Type | Thesis/Dissertation |
Preliminary Pages
168.80 Kb
Category : P - Author wishes to publish the work personally.
Access Permission : Limited Access