Status : Verified
Personal Name | Trinidad, Gerald M. |
Resource Title | Mental health intervention application opportunities in the Philippines: a scenario-driven technology foresight |
Date Issued | 09 January 2025 |
Abstract | With the increasing number of Filipinos who experience mental health problems, there is a need to understand the capabilities and potential of digital technologies which are not yet fully exploited in the Philippine set-up. The researcher aims to identify key variables and strategies that will contribute towards effective usage and shaping of digital technologies to offer mental help for Filipinos. Also, risks associated with the exploitation of said technologies have to be considered. To do technology foresight to identify different key variables and plausible scenarios, the scenario-building technique was conducted. In aid of this, the researcher conducted interviews with different mental health professionals to examine the current mental health system in the country. PESTLE analysis for environmental scanning was done to identify the implication of implementation of different digital technologies in support of mental health in the Philippines. The researcher has been able to develop three plausible scenarios and their roadmaps through technology foresight. The study provides recommendations for the proper implementation of digital technologies in the field of mental health in the country. Participation of different stakeholders in implementing digital transformation in providing the mental needs in the country would be crucial as seen in the technology roadmaps for the developed scenarios. The major risks associated with the utilization of digital technologies in mental health intervention applications are data privacy and security concerns. |
Degree Course | Master of Technology Management |
Language | English |
Keyword | Scenario building; Mental health; Technology foresight; Digital technology |
Material Type | Thesis/Dissertation |
Preliminary Pages
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Category : P - Author wishes to publish the work personally.
Access Permission : Limited Access