Status : Verified
Personal Name | San Juan, Jomarie C. |
Resource Title | Selected cases of AI-driven government services in the Philippines in the future: a technology foresight through scenario building |
Date Issued | 11 January 2025 |
Abstract | The paper explored the future implementation of artificial intelligence in selected government agencies in the Philippines through technology foresight and scenario building. A high-level examination of current initiatives, challenges, and opportunities for potential integration in the Philippine government services was conducted, and future scenarios for AI implementation over the next five years was envisioned. Results showed that several legislative frameworks that set the stage for AI integration are already in place, including but not limited to The Digital Transformation Act of 2012, Cloud First Policy, DICT’s Cybersecurity Plan of 2023-2028, and DTI’s National AI Strategy Roadmap. Additionally, initiatives for initial AI research and development are in place, as seen in projects spearheaded by the Department of Science and Technology, the Department of Information and Communications Technology, among others. The study identified key challenges in relation to AI integration in areas under (1) Resources and Infrastructure, (2) Policy, and (3) Ecosystem, and (4) Culture. Specifically, insufficient government policies and strategic direction, lack of funding for research and implementation, insufficient digital infrastructure, weak linkages between industry, government, and academe, and lack of talent availability in the field of data science and AI are found as main challenges. Four scenarios were developed to determine plausible futures and strategic recommendations. Recommendations in areas related to policy and strategic frameworks for AI and Data, infrastructure development, talent development, triple helix partnerships, and international partnerships were presented, drawing inspiration from strategies used by countries such as the United States and Singapore. |
Degree Course | Master of Technology Management |
Language | English |
Keyword | AI, Government services, Technology foresight |
Material Type | Thesis/Dissertation |
Preliminary Pages
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Category : P - Author wishes to publish the work personally.
Access Permission : Limited Access