Status : Verified
Personal Name Herrera, Arzel Kyle R.
Resource Title SULONG dating LUSONG: redefining the future of Aquatic Sports Facility through eco- hydro- generative architecture
Date Issued June 2024
Abstract The question of flood water management and the environmental impacts of water consumption in Aquatic Sports Facilities (ASF) has been widely debated in the fields of urban development and DRRM. However, studies on reducing the cost of water and energy consumption through integration of sustainable practices while considering the health risks are rarely implemented to ASFs leaving a significant gap in the preexisting literature. The project addresses this gap by proposing an innovative approach of harmonizing water scarcity and abundance into the development of a sustainable ASF. Specifically, the CDP will be looking at studies on how sustainability, resiliency and safety can be properly integrated into the design of ASF in Valenzuela City, Philippines. The project will discuss the architectural interventions and design strategies employed in these studies and juxtapose them against the typical approaches of designing a conventional ASF suggesting that previous facilities have a huge environmental impact. Arguing that integrating water reuse and energy harvesting with a sport that uses a huge amount of water and energy would solve the juxtaposing concepts of both the shortage and abundance of water being wasted, with the end goal of contributing to urban resilience and overall wellness. In conclusion, by closely studying the integration of sustainable low impact development into an ASF design, sheds new light on the neglected issue of harmonizing urbanization, resiliency, and promoting a more sustainable future in ASFs.
Degree Course Bachelor of Science in Architecture
Language English
Keyword Aquatic Sports Facilities; Water reuse--Valenzuela City; Sports facilities--Valenzuela City
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
314.35 Kb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access