Status : Verified
Personal Name | Buenvenida, Thalia P.; Yunque, Cassandra Isabella R. |
Resource Title | Challenges and strategies of barangay day care centers in selected communities in Metro Manila |
Date Issued | 24 May 2024 |
Abstract | In the Philippines, the Barangay Day Care Center program is a state-implemented program created for young children in recognition of their needs in Early Childhood Care and Development. This study explored the on-ground experiences of Barangay Day Care Workers by identifying the challenges that they encounter in running the day care program, the strategies that they employ to solve these challenges, and to describe the reasons they have for continuing to work in the Barangay Day Care Center. Thirty day care workers from selected barangays in Metro Manila were chosen through purposive and snowball sampling as respondents for in-depth interview. Themes were identified, answers to questions were analyzed and grouped according to emerging patterns. Results show that the challenges day care workers encounter involve their collaboration with parents, the barangay and administration, the daily operations of the program, balancing work and home life, and managing children in the classroom. The strategies that they use to mitigate problems are to communicate with parents and administration, seek support from their community and other stakeholders, supplement their income with other means of work, and handle children with warmth and inclusivity. The study found that day care workers continue to work because they love teaching and find fulfillment in it despite its stresses and low financial compensation. The findings of this study give voice to a profession that is culturally undermined. Results may aid Filipino educators improve the state of Early Childhood Care and Development in the Philippines at the barangay-level in low-income communities. |
Degree Course | Bachelor of Science in Family Life and Child Development |
Language | English |
Keyword | Barangay day care center; Barangay day care workers; Early childhood educators — Philippines; Day care centers — Philippines; Child caregivers — Philippines; Education, Primary — Philippines |
Material Type | Thesis/Dissertation |
Preliminary Pages
535.55 Kb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access