Status : Verified
Personal Name | Battad, Jerico Rafaelle R. |
Resource Title | Assessment of the physical properties of skim milk powder from online and physical retail markets in Metro Manila and Cebu City |
Date Issued | 08 August 2024 |
Abstract | Milk is a highly nutritive food that is consumed worldwide. Due to its high perishability, it is often processed into milk powders to extend its shelf-life and stability while maintaining its nutritional value. Skim milk powder (SMP) is one of the most common powdered milk forms. However, in underdeveloped countries, poor and substandard regulations can make SMP and other milk products susceptible to adulteration. This study assessed the physical properties of SMP in the Philippine online and physical retail markets by evaluating their quality and drawing implications about local handling. Twenty-one SMP samples were purchased from various online and physical retail stores in Metro Manila and Cebu City and were assessed based on physical appearance, water activity, tapped and bulk density, and viscosity. The results showed that only one out of 21 samples complied with all standards concerning physical appearance. Water activity varied significantly across brands (p<0.05), ranging from 0.274 to 0.528. Eighteen out of 21 samples exceeded the expected water activity for dried dairy milks. Among brands with multiples samples (n>2), significant variations in water activity were observed, with Farmland exhibiting an 18.82% coefficient of variation and Milkboy at 21.28%. While all samples met the expected range for bulk density, four out of 21 did not meet the expected range for tapped density. The viscosity of the reconstituted samples ranged from 0.95 to 1.33cP at the temperature range of 25.3-25.5°C. Variability in viscosity was also noted among samples within the same brand. These variations may be attributed to their differences in storage, handling, and packaging, which can alter the structure and properties of the SMP. The findings highlight the need for Philippine regulatory bodies to strengthen and establish better monitoring systems and conduct more audits to ensure that imported and repacked SMPs meet standard quality requirements. |
Degree Course | Bachelor of Science in Food Technology |
Language | English |
Keyword | Milk—Quality; Milk—Quality—Philippines; Milk, Powdered; Dairy products; Food handling—Philippines; Powdered milk; Dried milk |
Material Type | Thesis/Dissertation |
Preliminary Pages
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Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access