Status : Verified
Personal Name Mijares, Francis Ashley G.
Resource Title Knowledge and consumption behaviors on probiotic foods in the context of obesity of young adults in Metro Manila
Date Issued 18 June 2024
Abstract Probiotics have garnered considerable attention due to their potential health benefits. To better understand consumer knowledge and behavior toward probiotics, a survey questionnaire was administered among 308 young adults, aged 18-25 years old residing in Metro Manila. While young adults were found to have average knowledge, high familiarity, and average consumption of probiotics, there is an evident knowledge gap concerning the specific functions, dosage, and health benefits of probiotics in food products. Results showed that probiotic knowledge was average with the majority citing books or school and social media as their main source of probiotic knowledge. No significant correlation (p<0.05) was found between age (0.3660) and education (0.5178) with consumer knowledge, and occupation (0.9281) and income (0.4428) with familiarity. Moreover, the consumption of specific products such as buro (0.03851), probiotic drinks (0.02593), yogurt (0.0197), and miso (0.01746) show a significant association with income and consumption. Lastly, factor ranking showed that factors such as price (0.003022), packaging (0.03181), benefits to weight modulation and obesity prevention (4.086e-05), and other health benefits (2.843e-08), influencing consumption and purchase behavior are significantly affected by income while occupation mainly impacts the perceived importance of product availability (0.04394). The findings underscore the potential of probiotics to contribute significantly to public health, advocating for continued research and stringent regulatory frameworks to maximize their benefits while ensuring consumer safety.
Degree Course Bachelor of Science in Food Technology
Language English
Keyword Probiotics—Health aspects; Functional foods; Food consumption—Philippines; Consumer education
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
1.08 Mb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access