Status : Verified
Personal Name | Janiola, Francis Paul Y. |
Resource Title | Numerical Investigation on the Performance of Ducted Wind Turbine Airfoil-Based Duct Shapes for Small-Scale Utilization using Wind Settings of the Philippines |
Date Issued | 19 June 2024 |
Abstract | The current trend of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines (HAWT) with respect to energy extraction is towards higher diameter which needs to operate at a wind speed of 15m/s to maximize efficiency. On the other hand, while the Philippines Wind Settings predominantly exhibit 4 m/s, maximum wind speeds is only around 10m/s. Current studies have also showed that extracting energy from these low-level wind speeds is a challenge without utilization of Wind Turbine Augmentation Devices. Relatedly, one of the known wind turbine augmentation techniques is the “shrouding” of HAWT, sometimes called Ducted HAWT. In this regard, a numerical investigation was conducted on the performance of Ducted HAWT using blade design in the study of Alkhabbaz, et al., (2022). The calculations yield average accuracy of 10.83% using Steady-state formulations as opposed to the previous study’s 12.43% that used Transient formulations, a reduction of 1.60%. The CFD calculations were then performed for a Ducted HAWT configuration with the low-reynolds Selig-family Airfoil S7055 as the duct cross-section. It was found out that maximum C_p is 0.4325 at 955 RPM on its design wind speed of 7m/s, an increase of 30.22% from Open Rotor experimental results. Finally, a comparison of Open Rotor HAWT and Inlet-scaled Open Rotor HAWT with the Ducted HAWT was performed. The comparison yielded that Ducted HAWT has an overall superior performance even at low wind speeds with an increase of as high as 44.14% at 4 m/s in TSR = 5 (optimal operational speed). However, thrust levels have been seen to also increase as a high as 30.74% in TSR = 2 at 10 m/s. Generally, the increase in thrust levels is offset by the increase in power generation thereby exhibiting superior performance of Ducted HAWT with minimal aerodynamic tradeoffs. |
Degree Course | Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering |
Language | English |
Keyword | Ducted HAWT; 3D CFD; numerical investigation; angle of attack; open rotor |
Material Type | Thesis/Dissertation |
Preliminary Pages
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Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access