Status : Verified
Personal Name | Gaw, Marie Charlotte, I. |
Resource Title | Optimization of the Repacking Solution Formulation of Pickled 'Pico' Mangoes (Mangifera indica L. cv. Pico) using Response Surface Methodology |
Date Issued | 14 June 2019 |
Abstract | This study aimed to optimize the repacking solution formulation of pickled ‘Pico’ mangoes using response surface methodology. Specifically, this study (1) evaluated the effects of predetermined days after harvest on the quality of pickled ‘Pico’ mangoes; (2) established and validated the optimized repacking solution formulation of pickled ‘Pico’ mangoes using response surface methodology based on the effects of salt content (% w/v), sugar content (% w/v), and vinegar content (% v/v) on the sensory evaluation (appearance, color, aroma, texture, flavor, and overall acceptability scores), pH, total soluble solids (°Brix), and titratable acidity (% acetic acid).; and, (3) characterized the physicochemical, proximate, microbiological, and sensory attributes of the optimized pickled ‘Pico’ mangoes. The appropriate predetermined day after harvest of the mangoes used in the study was 2 days after harvest (105 days after flower induction (DAFI) + 2 days after harvest) based on sensory evaluation (appearance, color, aroma, texture, flavor, and overall acceptability scores). All the generated models for the measured responses were significant (p<0.05) and were valid to predict the effects of repacking solution formulation (sugar, salt, and vinegar contents) on the responses. The optimized repacking solution formulation with a desirability index of 0.39, was determined to be 1.25%, 33.33%, and 0% for salt, sugar, and vinegar contents, respectively. The model was consequently validated and proven to be valid at α = 0.05. The characterization of the optimized repacking solution formulation produced pickled ‘Pico’ mangoes that were able to meet product standards for physico-chemical and microbiological attributes. Moreover, the results of the sensory evaluation indicated that the optimized product was acceptable to consumers, garnering scores between “like slightly” and “like very much” for all attributes. |
Degree Course | Bachelor of Science in Food Technology |
Language | English |
Keyword | Optimization; Mangoes; Response Surface Methodology; Pico; Pickling; Mango--Philippines; Mango industry--Philippines; Pickles--Philippines |
Material Type | Thesis/Dissertation |
Preliminary Pages
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Access Permission : Limited Access